Woohoo... it's Friday!

The chronicles of my Ordinary and Awesome life, family, and thoughts at www.ordinaryandawesome.com. Ordinary and Awesome is also the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


Check out Half Past Kissin' Time's Friday Fragments meme too!

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*Last Sunday my Little Man turn 20 months, oh boy!
He loves to play and play and play and I love to play with him.
He makes me happy and I make him happy!
We are perfect for each other!

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*He is one lazy boy! He can sleep for 16 hours straight!
Is that normal???
I hope so!

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*He also loves to wake up around 2 or 3 am, he asks for a snack, and sits next to me to visit bloggyland, how cute is he?

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*We also went to Chick-Fil-A

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*Pink Angel and My Little Man went to a church's Kermes last weekend and they had much fun!


*Last week I redeem my "Gymbucks" and I got my order yesterday!
Everything is so cute!

Soon you will see my Pink Angel with her new clothing on her blog!!

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*and speaking of My Pink Angel, she got Excellent Grades and Perfect Attendance

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*Big Junior got excellent grades too but he got a *NOTE* from his teacher:

****He stills need to learn to make****
better choices and control
his behavior but at least
he is trying sometime.

The thing is that he does not let ANYONE push him around.
Yes teacher! I know he has a temper, but we are working on it!
Sorry Teacher but Please No Bullies Around him
because literally "Big Jr. will kick their Butt"

Picnik collage*My Big Junior got hired to bring down a tree and he did an excellent job! and Yep! he got paid big bucks $27.32. He was so HAPPY!

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*Oh and I also got some BUCKS, I was at Target yesterday and an Old Lady named Teresa went over my foot with her electric wheelchair!
She said "I am sorry! here are $100 go see a Doctor!

"I was trying to do the imitation of a FISH or BIRD or SOMETHING"
First try: Stupid Human Trick

Second try: Stupid Human Trick

To find out more about S.H.T. go over to Mrs. 4444 blog
click here to view more S.H.T.

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