Friday Photo Flashback- My Mami 56 years ago!

Friday Photo Flashback
Alicia is hosting Friday Photo Flashback again. This is your chance to give a shoutout to the past. To showcase some of your favorite photos, or most embarrassing ones, or whatever! So join up with us today!

This picture was taken 56 years ago,
I said WOW!

My mother said "you look like me"
It was 1953, I love this picture

(click on the images to view it at full size)


  1. What a great picture. You have to click on it to see all the faces. Look at all the girl's hairstyles...just great!

  2. Love it, Rocio!!!!! Now that is a flasback!! Yes, you do look like her!!! Wow!!

    I have a few pictures like this (sepia) that I want to share too! They are of my grandparents!!!!

  3. I love the flag in the front row! What a wonderful keepsake!

    And I love your page!! How did you get all your buttons together like that?!?! I'd love to learn!!

  4. This is the best picture! I love pics like this!! How sweet!

  5. Love those school do look like your mom, but happier! I really need to learn some of your bloggy tricks...your blog is awesome.

  6. When I was digging out my flashback photo I was looking at my old class photos as well. Love your picture this week!


Thank you so much for your beautiful comments!!!